
i went fully online with all my students from the very beginning of the pandemic. it showed that next to the curriculum content they needed support and guidance sustaining with online teaching. They also increasingly needed support with emotionally handling the many changes in their personal and work life during the ongoing pandemic. So did friends and colleagues and this is how I brought the program into being.

In the program I mentor online to emotionally master the process of change. To eventually embody the process of change. We need to transform our cognitive motion to action. We need to feel it, act it out and work through resistance in order to overcome fear, which is always part of a change process. There might be a goal set to be reached but for the experiencing, the practising, the rehearsing of the process of change it is not necessary. the wheel of change spins out of its own dynamic. Accelerating us step by step to develop, strengthen and refine our change maker skills.

celebrating change

Der Wandel, die Veränderung ist ein Abenteuer ganz gleich ob im beruflichen oder im privaten. Wir entdecken neue Perspektiven, wir entdecken Persönlichkeitsanteile die lebendig werden wollen. Indem wir dies wertschätzen, feiern wir jeden Schritt den wir uns weiterbewegen und haben unser best möglichstes Szenario im Blick.

Es ist ein wenig wie spazieren gehen. Wir können stramm marschieren um schnell ans Ziel zu kommen. Und wir können in einen entspannten Rhythmus hineinfinden durch den wir Zeit haben nach links und rechts zu blicken.Um Gedanken zu hören, zu riechen, zu berühren. Zu erleben, zu verstehen und zu verinnerlichen. Dann werden wir jeden dieser Schritte wertschätzen, feiern. Und von da an ganz natürlich und entspannt mit der Veränderung und ihren Wellen leben.

The appreciative celebration is a ritual, is poetry. It is an attitude of gratitude that reminds us of how empowering we are when we follow change.

When we celebrate change, we celebrate our inherent parts, our progress, our growth. We celebrate that less is more, the ease, the decluttering, the straightening, the shedding of the old skins.   We celebrate – us!

Change, change is essential for our well-being, it brings us inner peace and happiness, it is the basis of life.

celebrating change is an online mentoring program. Book a call to find out more precisely whether the program suits you or write me a DM We start the next change on 10/10/21.

Always celebrating change!